Episode 49

49: Loud Pipes Mountain Ride and News Roundup


July 3rd, 2016

1 hr 24 mins 30 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

The boys are back...  After wrapping up our interviews from Atlanta we are back to our normal show format.  The guys talk about the Motorcycle Podcasters Challenge, the first Loud Pipes Ride, Road Hogs III ride, Atlanta trip recap, and some news.

Motorcycle Podcasters Challenge: We are going to have a little challenge between the Motorcycle Men, Throttled, and Loud Pipes.  The goal of this challenge is to encourage riding on a consistent bases and will award the podcast team that averages the most points over the month of August.  To help with the challenge the team at EatSleepRIDE will provide ride data and we'll be posting our progress on the ESR platform.  You can follow via the challenge web site or EastSleepRIDE.

First Loud Pipes Ride:  The guys joined up on June 24th and took a little ride from Blacksburg, SC to Little Switzerland, NA and back to Charlotte, NC.  This was a nice 300 mile trip that included the Diamonback (NC 226a).  Plan was to do the Devil's Whip, but thanks to Apple Maps we ended up riding the Diamondback a second time.

        <img class="thumb-image" alt="Loud Pipes motorcycles in Little Switzerland" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53f8e2c8e4b0d77c2329c334/t/577949719f74561e5113a37e/1467566582514/Loud+Pipes+motorcycles+in+Little+Switzerland" data-image-dimensions="1280x739" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="577949719f74561e5113a37e" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53f8e2c8e4b0d77c2329c334/t/577949719f74561e5113a37e/1467566582514/Loud+Pipes+motorcycles+in+Little+Switzerland?format=1000w" />

        <img class="thumb-image" alt="Loud Pipes Crew in Little Switzerland" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53f8e2c8e4b0d77c2329c334/t/577949969f74561e5113a46d/1467566566530/Loud+Pipes+Crew+in+Little+Switzerland" data-image-dimensions="1280x960" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="577949969f74561e5113a46d" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53f8e2c8e4b0d77c2329c334/t/577949969f74561e5113a46d/1467566566530/Loud+Pipes+Crew+in+Little+Switzerland?format=1000w" />

Road Hogs III Ride:  Rico was the only member of the Loud Pipes team to make the trip.  He talked about the ride and taming the snake.  We are planning to have another round table with the Road Hogs crew.

        <img class="thumb-image" alt="Road Hogs at Sierra Nevada in Mills River" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53f8e2c8e4b0d77c2329c334/t/577949b49f74561e5113a53b/1467566550799/Road+Hogs+at+Sierra+Nevada+in+Mills+River" data-image-dimensions="1600x1200" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="577949b49f74561e5113a53b" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53f8e2c8e4b0d77c2329c334/t/577949b49f74561e5113a53b/1467566550799/Road+Hogs+at+Sierra+Nevada+in+Mills+River?format=1000w" />

Atlanta Recap:  We talk about getting out of Atlanta and our trip to Tellico Plains, TN for the MotoVloggers meetup.  The riding was a great time, but the weather sucked as it rained on and off most of the day.  The group went to Bald River Falls via River Road and traveled the Cherohala Skyway.  Around mid afternoon the Loud Pipes Crew split from the MotoVloggers due to a long weekend from the Atlanta trip.  On the trip back to Charlotte the guys made a pit stop at Sierra Nevada Brewing.

Check out the MotoVloggers from the meetup:



Upcoming events that one or more Loud Pipes! members plan on attending: 

If you enjoy the show, want to keep it AD free, and receive generous rewards for your contribution, check out our donation page loudpipes.net/donate.  Patreon is our focus and is an ongoing support model.  There is also a link for one time donations and support of any size is greatly appreciated.

Running time: 1 hour 24 minutes 30 seconds

Questions or comments: feedback@rdubstudios.com or the Feedback page

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