Episode 170

170: Meetup Planning for 2020 - Tellico Plains, TN


October 22nd, 2019

2 hrs 4 mins 53 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

This episode captures the fun we had over a weekend trip as part of planning for the 2020 Loud Pipes meetup. We stayed in Tellico Plains, TN and covered the planned routes for both meetup days. The weather was fantastic, the roads were amazing, and a great time was had by all.

Links and images of interest for this episode:

Tail of the Dragon

Rich and Bacon on Dragon

Dragon with all

Dragon 129 Cigar

Moonshiner Stop

Skyway Stop

Skyway goofing around

Rich on the Tail of the Dragon

Tellico Recording

Tellico Sunset

Tellico Moon

Photos: Killboy, 129photos, RDub Studios :)

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