Episode 42
42: Rico returns, Bagger Mountain Ride, plus Indian and Victory Demo Rides
April 15th, 2016
1 hr 29 mins 33 secs
About this Episode
In this episode we welcome Rico back from his vacation, recharged and ready to rock the show. Rico returns with a bang and the guys get right into talking about a day riding in the mounts. Rich jumped on a rented Street Glide for the occasion to have some Bro-Time and we mix conversation from Rico's attendance of an Indian / Victory Demo days event.
- Rico gave the guys a little review of his vacation with his wife Wendy to Costa Rica.
- Rich and Rico talk about their meet up and day ride through Caesars head, Brevard (The Square Root Restaurant), Sierra Nevada Brewing, Lake Lure, and OMB as the final stop.
- Rico attended and Indian / Victory demo event
- Chief Vintage - Bike was OK, but front felt heavy and didn't like the windshield due to height and his size. Had a rock fly up over windshield and hit his helmet.
- Chief Dark Horse with stage 1 tuning - Rico was blown off the seat and not due to the lack of windshield and back rest, but the stage 1 tuned motor. All that power and overall feel of the bike, put a smile on his face.
- Springfield - New bike for 2016 and Rico liked this one as much as the Chieftain.
- Scout - Fun bike, but was unable to hit the red line (9,000) and Rico's wife Wendy likes it and can see this being her first bike.
- Scout Sixty - OK bike, nice package for a first bike or perhaps if you intend to only ever buy one, this may fit your bill. Rico would say go with the Scout over the Scout Sixty for him or Wendy.
- Victory Magnum - Sees why Rich likes the bike. Instrument panel is further away from you when compared to Indian bikes. It still has a good amount of wind buffeting. Bike is very fast and corners well. Overall Rico really enjoyed the bike, and would add it to his stable if he had the funds! Also, Rico labels the bike as the Cadillac due to performance and smooth ride, whereas the Indian is more Lincoln plush and comfy. :)
Upcoming events that one or more Loud Pipes! members plan on attending:
- Moto Vlogging Meetup - May 20th-22nd.
- 12th Annual Barber Vintage Festival (October 7th-9th, 2016)
Visit RDubStudios.com/donate if you would like to support and help us improve the show or better yet visit our Patreon page where your contribution will help us achieve our goals and there are rewards for you at different pledge levels.
Running time: 1 hour 29 minutes 34 seconds
Questions or comments: feedback@rdubstudios.com or the Feedback page
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